Saturday, January 5, 2019

Hopes' Liturgies for Epiphany and After. 2019

The Service for the Lord’s Day

The Epiphany of the Lord + January 6, 2019
The Baptism of the Lord + January 13, 2019
The Second Sunday After Epiphany + January 20, 2019
The Third Sunday After Epiphany + January 27, 2-19
The Fourth Sunday After Epiphany + February 3, 2019
The Fifth Sunday After Epiphany + February 10, 2019
The Sixth Sunday After Epiphany + February 17, 2019
The Seventh Sunday After Epiphany + February 23, 2019
The Transfiguration of the Lord + March 3, 2019

  Hymn numbers:                           Presbyterian Hymnal/Glory to God
Gathering Music:
Welcome & Announcements
Entrance Song:       

“O Come, All Ye Faithful” (verse 1)         41/133

“O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright” (verse 1) 69/827 

1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24
“All People That on Earth Do Dwell” Psalm 100 220/385

“We Are Standing on Holy Ground”        ——/406
Call to Worship 

Blessed is the Kingdom,
of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
both now and forever,
and unto the ages of ages.

Let us worship God;
let us pray.

Opening Prayer

God of grace:
unto whom all hearts are open,
from whom no secrets are hid:
cleanse the thoughts of our hearts 
by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,
that we may perfectly love you
and worthily magnify your holy name.

Prayer of the Day


Everlasting God,
the radiance of faithful souls,
who brought the nations to your light
and kings to the brightness of your rising:
Fill the world with your glory,
and show yourself to all the nations;
through him who is the True Light
and the Bright Morning Star,
Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.


Eternal God:
at the baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan
you proclaimed him your beloved Son,
and anointed him with the Holy Spirit.
Grant that all who are baptized into his Name
may keep the covenant they have made,
and boldly confess him as Lord and Savior;
for he lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.


Almighty God:
your Son our Savior, Jesus Christ,
is the Light of the world.
May your people,
illumined by your Word and Sacraments,
shine with the radiance of his glory,
that he may be known, worshiped, and obeyed
to the ends of the earth;
for he lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.


Almighty God:
by grace you call us
and accept us in your service.
Strengthen us by your Spirit,
and make us worthy of your call;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.


Holy God:
you confound the world’s wisdom
by giving your Kingdom
to the lowly and pure in heart.
Give us such a hunger and thirst for justice
and perseverance in striving for peace,
that by our words and deeds
the world may see the promise of your Kingdom,
revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.


Faithful God:
you have appointed us your witnesses,
to be a light that shines in the world.
Let us not hide the bright hope you have given us,
but tell everyone your love,
revealed in Jesus Christ the Lord,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.


Almighty God:
you gave the law to guide our lives.
May we never shrink from your commandments,
but, as we are taught by your Son Jesus,
fulfill the law in perfect love;
through Christ our Lord and Savior,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.


Almighty God:
you have taught us
that all our deeds without love are worth nothing.
Send your Holy Spirit and pour into our hearts
that most excellent gift of love,
the very bond of peace and of all goodness;
through Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.


O God:
in the transfiguration of your Son
you confirmed the mysteries of the faith
by the witness of Moses and Elijah;
and in the voice from the cloud
you foreshadowed our adoption as your children.
Make us, with Christ, heirs of your glory,
and bring us to enjoy its fullness;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.

Filling the Baptismal Font 

The celebrant fills the font with water and says:

1/6, 1/13

In those days 
Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee 
and was baptized by John in the Jordan. 
And just as he was coming up out of the water, 
he saw the heavens torn apart 
and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. 
And a voice came from heaven, 
“You are my Son, the Beloved; 
with you I am well pleased.” Mark 1:9-11

1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24, 3/3

There is one body and one Spirit, 
just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, 
one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, 
who is above all and through all and in all. Ephesians 4:4-6


Remember your baptism, and be thankful!


1/6        “We Three Kings”                66/151
1/13 “Down Galilee’s Slow Roadways”      ——/164
1/20 “O Sing a Song of Bethlehem”              308/159
1/27 “I Danced in the Morning”      302/157
2/3        “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say”            ——/182
2/10 “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light”      ——/377
2/17 “O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee”      357/738
2/24 “Jesus, Our Divine Companion”      305/——
3/3         “Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies”      463/662

Prayer for Wholeness 


God of glory, 
you sent Jesus among us as the light of the world, 
to reveal your love for all people. 
Yet by our fear, anger and shame 
we block the brightness of your light,
leaving ourselves and others in deep shadow. 
We fail to see your saving Presence;
we choose retribution over justice,
and violence over peace. 
In your mercy, 
heal and cleanse us of our blindness,
and baptize us once again with your Spirit,
that, forgiven and renewed, 
we may reflect your glory
shining in the face of Jesus Christ. BCW, alt.


God of renewal and forgiveness:
by water you renew and nourish the Earth.
Water is life! 
The Lord Jesus arose from the water 
with the knowledge of his calling.
Water is life!
You call us through the water of our baptism
to follow his Way of peace and love.
Water is life!
Forgive our pollution and defilement
of your gift of water.
Water is life! 
Forgive our attempts to own and sell
your gift of water.
Water is life!
Forgive our careless waste
of your gift of water.
Water is Life!
Purify the waters of the Earth;
purify our hearts and bodies;
purify our life together with all our relations
on this beautiful and abundant planet.
Water is life! PfR

1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24

O Hidden Light,
energy of the elements,
Sun behind all suns,
life of every living thing:
Shine upon and within us,
banishing the darkness of ignorance and fear,
sustaining the blessings of knowledge and insight,
bearing the truth of your love for us.
As you come into the world in Jesus Christ
whose life is the light for all,
shining in the darkness that cannot extinguish it:
May we also reflect your light
exposing injustices and lies,
purifying our discourse of violence and vulgarity,
illuminating a way for the weak, the humble, 
the lost, and the broken.
By your divine radiance
burn off all that separates us from you and each other.
Let our light shine before the whole world
bringing equality, joy, peace, and forgiveness to all. PfR


O Lord, Jesus Christ, Light of the World:
on the mountain God reveals your true nature.
What you are by nature, we are by your grace:
beings of holy light, 
sent into the world as witnesses to the truth 
of your love for the world.
Let us build no distracting surrogate institutions
that block or regulate your light.
But let us shine with confidence and joy,
even as we turn now to the cross,
where your life is given for the life of the world.
Your light shines in our darkness
exposing the falsehoods and fantasies of our existence.
Your light shines in our darkness
bringing the blessed shalom of your promised Kingdom,
redeeming us from violence and injustice,
and uniting us in hope. PfR

Invocation of the Trinity

1/6, 3/3

O Holy God, you dwell among us, 
worshiped by all the heavenly powers. 
You have brought all things out of nothing into being. 
You have created man and woman in your image and likeness 
and adorned them with all the gifts of grace. 
You give wisdom and understanding to those who ask,
and have established repentance as the way of salvation. 
You have enabled us to offer to you due worship and praise. 
Master, accept our prayers  
and visit us in your goodness. 
Forgive our voluntary and involuntary transgressions, 
sanctify our souls and bodies, 
and grant that we may worship and serve you 
in holiness all the days of our lives.
Amen. Eastern Orthodox, alt.

1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24

O God:
You sent your Spirit upon Jesus at his baptism,
anointing him to bring good news to the poor.
You sent him into the world to proclaim release to the captives
   and recovery of sight to the blind,
     to set free the oppressed, 
and to proclaim the holy remission and restoration of your Jubilee. 
As you send him so he sends us,
his disciples, as agents of reconciliation,
witnessing to your love,
proclaiming peace,
and embodying justice.
We offer our own voices in praise and thanksgiving,
as we sing together our praise of you,
the Triune God. PfR


1/6, 1/13
“What Star Is This, with Beams So Bright” (verse 4)      68/152

1/20, 1/27, 2/3 
“Of the Father’s Love Begotten” (verse 3)           309/108

2/10, 2/17, 2/24, 3/3 
“Glory Be to the Father”                     579/581

*Procession of the Word

TF A child processes into the Sanctuary carrying a Bible, as the people sing or say the Gloria.
*The Peace

Christ is in the midst of us.
He is and ever shall be.
May the grace and peace of Christ our God be with all of you.
And also with you.

The people exchange words and signs of God’s peace.


“Go, Tell it on the Mountain” (verse 3)            29/136

1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24, 3/3
“Halle-, Halle-, Halleluia”                  ——/591


TF (Our young disciples continue worship and learning downstairs.)

Prayer for Understanding

Enlighten our hearts and minds by your Word, O God.
Open our eyes to the truth of your saving love, revealed in Scripture,
Move our legs to walk in your way of peace.
Open our hands to do your work,
and our arms to welcome others in your name.
For you are the enlightening of our souls and bodies, O Christ our God, 
and to you we give glory, now and forever.   PfR

Hebrew Scriptures 
1/6         Isaiah 60:1-6 
1/13 Isaiah 43:1-7
1/20 Isaiah 62:1-5
1/27 Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
2/3         Jeremiah 1:4-10
2/10 Isaiah 6:1-13
2/17 Jeremiah 17:5-10
2/24 Genesis 45:3-11, 15
3/3         Isaiah 55:10-13

1/6         Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14
1/13 Psalm 29
1/20 Psalm 36:5-10
1/27 Psalm 19
2/3         Psalm 71:1-6
2/10 Psalm 15
2/17 Psalm 112:1-10
2/24 Psalm 119:1-8
3/3         Psalm 2

New Testament 
1/6         Revelation 1:1-3
1/13 Revelation 1:4-8
1/20 Revelation 1:9-20
1/27 Revelation 2:1-7
2/3         Revelation 2:8-11
2/10 Revelation 2:12-17
2/17 Revelation 2:18-29
2/24 Revelation 3:1-6
3/3         Revelation 3:7-13


LW *Affirmation of Faith, The Apostles’ Creed

Prayers of God’s Creation and People


O Great Healer:
let your Spirit swing 
around us and through us,
over us, under us, and among us,
with healing in her wings,
making us whole
and restoring us to our created goodness.


In the Name of the Lord Jesus,
who saw the Presence of the Creator in the creation,
we also pray for all this magnificent garden you have placed in our care.
For forests and oceans,
deserts and glaciers,
mountains and flatlands;
For the vast and glowing atmosphere,
plants, birds, and animals,
especially those being driven to extinction
or abused in industry or by carelessness.

We pray
for your church around the world
all those baptized into your Name of every time and place
who have sought to trust and follow you.
We pray especially for disciples chosen for leadership in your church….
We pray for this congregation…

And as we gather we also represent our whole community, especially: 
We pray for:
those serving in government and the courts…
all first responders…
children and families…

travelers and workers… 
the aged and infirm…
the grieving and abandoned…
the sick and the addicted…
the poor and the unemployed…
prisoners and the oppresssed…
the undocumented, and all migrants and refugees…
indigenous peoples…

victims of war and terrorism… 
victims of natural disasters…
victims of domestic abuse…
victims of gun violence…
and all who remember and care for the needy among us…. 

As you commanded, O Lord,
we pray for our enemies and those who wish us harm.

We gather as well with all those who have died in the hope of resurrection,
and are now at rest….

Help, save, comfort, and defend us, gracious Lord.
In the communion of all the saints, 
we commend ourselves, one another, 
and our whole life to you, O Christ our God,
and to you we render glory,
now and forever.



The Earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof,
the world and all that dwell therein.            Psalm 24:1 (KJV)

Offertory Music: “” 

The bread and wine for communion are carried to the Table as the congregation sings:


“Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence”         5/347

1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24, 3/3 
“Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow” 592/606

Note: We celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in Tinton Falls on all Sundays.  In Lakewood we will be celebrating the Sacrament on 1/6, 1/13, 2/3, 2/24, and 3/3.  On other Sundays in Lakewood we skip to the Prayer of Thanksgiving, below.

Invitation to the Lord’s Table

This is the meal of paradise!
The foretaste of the blessings coming to us,
a sign of abundance and generosity,
forgiveness and deliverance. PfR 

This is the Lord’s table.
Our Savior invites those who trust in him
to share in the feast
which he has prepared.

Communion Preface


It is truly right to glorify you, everliving God,
and to give you thanks,
for you alone are living and true,
dwelling in light inaccessible from before time and forever.
Fountain of all life and source of all goodness,
you made all things and fill them with your blessing;
you created them to rejoice in the splendor of your radiance.
Countless throngs of angels stand before you
to serve you night and day,
and, beholding the glory of your presence,
they offer you unceasing praise.
Joining with them,
and giving voice to every creature under heaven,
we glorify your name
and lift our voices in joyful praise: Alexandrian Liturgy of St. Basil


In being baptized by John in Jordan’s waters, 
Jesus took his place with sinners 
and your voice proclaimed him as your Son. 
Like a dove, your Spirit descended on him, 
anointing him as the Christ,
to bring good news to the poor 
and proclaim release to the captives; 
to restore sight to the blind and free the oppressed. 
We praise you that in our baptism we are joined to Christ 
and, with all the baptized, are called to share his ministry. BCW

1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24

We give you thanks, O God,
lifting up our hearts to you in gratitude,
for your love and justice,
your beauty and joy,
revealed and given to us in Jesus Christ.
Give us the vision 
of the commonwealth of peace he establishes. 
Let his resurrection life permeate all we are and do,
as you gather us in holy community.

In Christ we see who we truly are in your eyes:
blessed, holy, good, and precious,
made to be a blessing to
your whole creation. PfR


On the holy mountain, 
the divine glory of the incarnate Word was revealed. 
From the heavens your voice proclaimed your beloved Son, 
who is the fulfillment of the law and the prophets. 
We rejoice in the divine majesty of Christ, 
whose glory shone forth even when confronted with the cross. BCW


And so we join our voices 
with those of all your people
in every time and place,
in the angels’ song of praise to you:

Holy, holy, holy Lord
God of power and might.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory
Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is he,
O blessed is he 
who comes in the name of the Lord!
Hosanna in the highest,
Hosanna in the highest! “St. Anne Sanctus”

Eucharistic Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer


We acclaim you, holy God, glorious in power,
your mighty works reveal your wisdom and love.
You formed us in your own image,
giving the whole world into our care,
so that, in obedience to you our Creator,
we might rule and serve all your creatures.
When our disobedience took us far from you,
you did not abandon us to the power of death.
In your mercy you came to our help,
so that in seeking you we might find you.
Again and again you called us into covenant with you,
and through the prophets you taught us to hope for salvation.
Almighty God, you loved the world so much
that in the fullness of time you sent your only Son to be our savior.
Incarnate by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,
he lived as one of us, yet without sin.
To the poor he proclaimed the good news of salvation;
to prisoners, freedom;
to the sorrowful, joy.
To fulfill your purpose he gave himself up to death;
and, rising from the grave, destroyed death
and made the whole creation new.
and that we might live no longer for ourselves
but for him who died and rose for us,
you sent the Holy Spirit,
your first gift for those who believe,
to complete your work in the world,
and to bring to fulfillment the sanctification of all.

When the hour had come for him to be glorified
by you, his heavenly Father,
having loved his own who were in the world,
he loved them to the end;
at supper with them he took bread,
and after giving thanks to you,
he broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying:
Take, eat.
This is my body, which is given for you.
Do this for the remembrance of me.
After supper he took the cup, saying:
This cup is the new covenant sealed in my blood,
shed for you and for all for the forgiveness of sins.
whenever you drink it
do it for the remembrance of me.

Holy God, 
we now celebrate this memorial of our redemption.
Recalling Christ’s death and his descent among the dead,
proclaiming his resurrection 
and ascension to your right hand,
awaiting his coming in glory;
and offering to you, from the gifts you have given us,
this bread and this cup,
we praise you and we bless you.

Lord, we pray that in your goodness and mercy
your Holy Spirit may descend upon us, 
and upon these gifts, sanctifying them,
and showing them to be holy gifts for your holy people,
the bread of life and the cup of salvation,
the body and blood of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Grant that all who share this bread and this cup
may become one body and one spirit,
a living sacrifice to Christ,
to the praise of your name.
Remember, Lord, 
your one holy catholic and apostolic church,
redeemed by the blood of your Christ.
Reveal its unity, guard its faith,
and preserve it in peace.

[Remember all who minister in your church.]
[Remember all your people and those who seek your truth.]
[Remember ________.]
[Remember all who have died in the peace of Christ,
and those whose faith is known to you alone; 
bring them into the place of eternal joy and light.]

And grant that we may find our inheritance with
[the blessed Virgin Mary, with patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and martyrs, and]
all the saints who have found favor with you in ages past.
We praise you in union with them
and give you glory through your Son, 
Jesus Christ our Lord.
Through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ,
all honor and glory are yours, almighty Father,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit
forever and ever.  Amen.             Alexandrine Liturgy of St. Basil
O God,
like chicks fed by a mother-bird,
so our mouths are open to receive you.
And so we are bold to pray in the words Jesus taught us,
saying: Our Father….


Gracious God of life,
in the beginning, by your Word and Spirit,
you created the universe 
and declared it very good.
You have fashioned this holy and blessed Earth,
which you designed in balance and grace.
You placed us in this beloved garden, 
to care for it and to live in love 
with you and each other.

You called Abraham’s family 
to bless the Earth as your special people.
Liberated from Pharaoh’s bondage,
you gave us a law 
by which to live in peace.
You sent prophets to remind and recall us
to this purpose.

And from that family in the fullness of time 
you came among us in Jesus Christ.
He walked lightly on the Earth,
healing, teaching, and blessing,
casting out evil spirits,
preaching the good news,
establishing your new community, 
and showing us your holy way of love.

Out of love he gave himself up
to death at the hands of the organized violence 
of fearful human leaders.
But then resurrected 
by the power of your infinite love,
his life now spreads over the whole world,
healing, purifying, and protecting, 
reconciling us to you, to each other, 
and gathering a holy people 
by the power of your Holy Spirit. PfR

O God,
like chicks fed by a mother-bird,
so our mouths are open to receive you.
And so we are bold to pray in the words Jesus taught us,
saying: Our Father….

1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24

O God: 
You loved the world you made so much 
that you gave your only Son 
so that whoever trusts in him 
should not perish, but have eternal life.

Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us 
and upon these your gifts of bread and wine, 
that the bread we break 
and the cup we bless 
may be the communion 
in the body and blood of Christ.      From 1 Corinthians 10:16

As he emptied himself to dwell among us,
may we empty ourselves of all 
that would separate us from you,
and let your life,
given for the life of the world,
pour through us in love.

O God,
like chicks fed by a mother-bird,
so our mouths are open to receive you.
And so we are bold to pray in the words Jesus taught us,
saying: Our Father….

The Breaking of Bread


The bread we break;
is it not a communion in the body of our Lord Jesus Christ?

The celebrant breaks the bread.

And the cup we share;
is it not a communion in the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ?

The celebrant fills the cup.

Every time we eat this bread 
and drink from this cup,
we proclaim the Lord’s triumph 
over the power of death,
until his life is fulfilled in us. 

1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24

On the night when he was betrayed 
[by his friends and arrested by the authorities],
the Lord Jesus 
[celebrated the Passover meal with his disciples.

After supper he] 
took the bread. 
He blessed it, 
he broke it, 
and gave it to them, saying: 

“This is my body, broken for you.  
Do this in remembrance of me.”

The celebrant breaks the bread.

In the same way he took the cup of wine.
And he said:

“This cup is the new covenant sealed in my blood,
shed for the forgiveness of sins.  
Whenever you drink it,
do this in remembrance of me.”

The celebrant fills the cup.

Every time we eat this bread 
and drink from this cup,
we proclaim the Lord’s triumph 
over the power of death,
until his life is fulfilled in us. 

The Holy Communion of the People of God

With hearts trusting in an awesome God, 
come to the Table.  
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.
Receive the Body of Christ:
taste the fountain of immortality.
Alleluia!  Alleluia!  Alleluia! Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

The people come to the Table to share in Christ’s body and blood by intinction:
taking a piece of bread, dipping it into the cup, and eating it.
TF Those who wish to pray with the pastor before or after communion
may meet with him to the side.

[May the Body and Blood of Christ our God bring you to everlasting life.]

Communion Music: 

When we celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper 
Closing Prayer  

When we do not celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
Prayer of Thanksgiving

Gracious God,
we give you thanks
that in Jesus Christ,
who is your Word,
you have emptied yourself,
becoming flesh to dwell among us
full of grace and truth.
He brings good news to the poor,
proclaims release to the captives,
gives sight to the blind,
liberates the oppressed,
makes the lame walk,
welcomes sinners, 
and even raises the dead.
In giving his life for the life of the world
he sets us free from sin and death.
And he gives us your Holy Spirit
by whom he is present with us even now,
gathering us into one beloved community.
and sending us into the world
with the good news of your love.

And, when we do not celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper:

O God,
like a mother hen you gather your children,
and so we are bold to pray in the words Jesus taught us,
saying: Our Father….


1/6        “Brightest and Best of the Stars of the Morning”    67/——
1/13 “Wild and Lone the Prophet’s Voice”         409/163
1/20 “As a Chalice, Cast of Gold”                 336/429
1/27 “Born in the Night, Mary’s Child”           30/158
2/3         “Come, Live in the Light”                ——/749 
2/10 “Down to Earth, as a Dove”        300/——
2/17 “Amen, Amen”                        299/——
2/24 “Seek Ye First”                        333/175
3/3         “Swiftly Pass the Clouds of Glory”          73/190



1/6, 2/3, 3/3

God spoke all these words, saying, I am the Lord your God.
You shall have no other gods before me.
You shall not make for yourself an idol....
You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God.
Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not kill.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet... anything that belongs to your neighbor.         From Exodus 20:1-17

1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24 

Go out into the world in peace;
have courage;
hold on to what is good;
return to no one evil for evil;
support the weak;
help the suffering;
honor all people;
love and serve the Lord,
rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. From 1 Cor. 16:13; 2 Tim. 2:1; Eph. 6:10; 1 Thes. 5:13-22; 1 Pet. 2:17


And now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Spirit
be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:13

*Choral Benediction: 

1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24
“Song of Simeon”                  603/545

“Shine, Jesus, Shine”                          ——/192


Go in peace
to love and serve the Lord.


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